ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | Thomas E. Woods, Jr. | Chapter 5: The Church and Science | How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization | |
2. | Thomas E. Woods, Jr. | Chapter 5: The Church and Science | How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization | |
3. | T. Kenneth Cribb Jr. | Closing Remarks | The Dinner for Western Civilization | |
4. | Daniel Oliver | Presentation of the Charles H. Hoeflich Lifetime Achievement Award to Richard A. Ware | The Dinner for Western Civilization | |
5. | Hon. Clarence Thomas | Remarks | The Dinner for Western Civilization | |
6. | Edwin J. Feulner Jr. | Welcome | The Dinner for Western Civilization | |
7. | Apartment | The Car | Western Stars - The Bands That Built Bristol | |
8. | Science Friday Podcast | Catholic Church and Evolution | Catholic Church and Evolution | |
9. | Fr. Dan | Holy Gospel-John 14 1-6 | Jesus the Divine Word Catholic Church | |
10. | Rev. Daniel J. Deutsch | History of the Mass | The Mass Explained: Holy Cross Catholic Church | |
11. | Rev. Daniel J. Deutsch | Question: Is it okay to hold hands during the Lord's Prayer? | The Mass Explained: Holy Cross Catholic Church | |
12. | Rev. Daniel J. Deutsch | Question: Why do bells ring during the Consecration? | The Mass Explained: Holy Cross Catholic Church | |
13. | Rev. Daniel J. Deutsch | Introductory Rites | The Mass Explained: Holy Cross Catholic Church | |
14. | St. Cecelia Catholic Church Lifeteen Music Ministry | St. Cecelia Catholic Church Lifeteen Mass Music 7/19/09 | St. Cecelia Catholic Church Lifeteen Music Ministry | |
15. | Rev. Daniel J. Deutsch | Question: What are the garments the Priest wears? | The Mass Explained: Holy Cross Catholic Church | |
16. | Rev. Daniel J. Deutsch | Liturgy of the Eucharist | The Mass Explained: Holy Cross Catholic Church | |
17. | Rev. Daniel J. Deutsch | Question: Why do we sing the Lord's Prayer? | The Mass Explained: Holy Cross Catholic Church | |
18. | Rev. Daniel J. Deutsch | Question: What should we wear to Mass? | The Mass Explained: Holy Cross Catholic Church | |
19. | Front Line Assembly | Psychosomatic | Civilization | |
20. | Front Line Assembly | Psychosomatic | Civilization | |
21. | Geoffrey Taucer | Baba Yetu | Civilization 4 | |
22. | Christopher Tin | Baba yetu | Civilization 4 | |
23. | Image Over Being | 9 Fixxed Tricks Newest IOB | Farewell to Civilization | |
24. | H.E.A.L. | Family Got To Get Busy | Civilization Vs. Technology | |
25. | Boy In Trouble | Strollers | Gateway To Civilization | |
26. | Antillectual | Because We Can | Silencing Civilization | |
27. | Antillectual | Because We Can | Silencing Civilization | |
28. | Antillectual | Another Guide | Silencing Civilization | |
29. | Antillectual | Because We Can | Silencing Civilization | |
30. | Antillectual | Raisedfistfuckyou | Silencing Civilization | |